
Your Kids

Select the genre and mood that best reflects your message, from soothing ballads to upbeat tunes. Our advanced machine learning system uses your input and makes a customized song that suits your needs.

Individual who will receive personalized song.

Please indicate the music genre you want for your custom song (e.g., Rock, Pop)

Please specify any extra details we should include in your custom song



Spark Imagination and Make Memories: Create Custom Songs for Your Kids with Vezile

There’s nothing quite like the magic of music for a child. It sparks creativity, fuels imagination, and creates happy memories that last a lifetime. But finding age-appropriate songs that truly resonate with your child can be tough. That’s where Vezile’s AI music creation service steps in!

Why Custom Songs for Your Kids?

  • Fuel Creativity and Imagination: A custom song built around their interests dinosaurs, superheroes, or their favorite toy ignites their imagination and inspires them to dream big.
  • Make Learning Fun: Turn everyday routines or educational concepts into catchy tunes. From brushing teeth to counting numbers, custom songs make learning a playful and engaging experience.
  • Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem: Hearing a song written just for them makes kids feel special and valued. It builds confidence and encourages self-expression.
  • Create Lasting Memories: Custom songs become the soundtrack to your child’s childhood. They’ll cherish them for years to come, reminding them of happy times with family.

How it Works:

Tell us about your child’s favorite things, hobbies, or even a special occasion you want to celebrate. We’ll use our AI to generate a unique, kid-friendly song. You can then customize it further with details about their personality or inside jokes.

Give your child the gift of music! Order your custom song from Vezile today, and watch their imagination soar!


This is a sample song that was written for a kid named Jazmin Morales punk pop/punk emo style


Second version